Dragon Ball Super: Broly
The latest cinematic entry in the extensive Dragon Ball universe revamps the origin story of the isolated and tremendously powerful Saiyan Broly, and it does not disappoint. This was a […]
The latest cinematic entry in the extensive Dragon Ball universe revamps the origin story of the isolated and tremendously powerful Saiyan Broly, and it does not disappoint. This was a […]
It will be a story without dialogue, but based on the trailer I don’t think that’s going to take anything away from the experience. This is the first Studio Ghibli […]
The classic educational TV show ‘The Magic School Bus’ will be returning, with a twist – the new show will be CGI instead of the traditional 2-D animation style. Honestly, […]
Lego is probably THE childhood favorite toy of mine. I’ve always enjoyed making stuff with the little Swedish Danish blocks, and while I don’t usually deviate from the instructions, the […]