Little Miss Nerd Chef teams up with SquidFlicks for future content

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Two things that go hand in hand are movies & food!  More times than none we find ourselves with a bowl of popcorn or a box of pizza as we fill our minds with movie magic. We are proud to announce that we are teaming up with Little Miss Nerd Chef to add some tastiness to our future content! Learn more about our newest friend after the jump!

2d6c08_24a3abbf8853455792c500626f1abfa2.jpg_srz_p_369_399_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzWith a keen sense of incorporating the love of food and nerd culture, Brooke (aka The Little Miss Nerd Chef) grew up in the media capital of the world, Burbank, California.

As a child (and into her adult years) she was constantly reading, or playing a video game of some sort, whether it be Mario Kart, Final Fantasy, Zelda, or World of Warcraft. She also fell in love with such classic science fiction/fantasy movies like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, District 9, Flash Gordon, and of course her all time favorite, Spaceballs!

In her teenage years she grew an interest in cooking, as she was always watching the Food Network (back when they actually had instructional cooking shows) and reading on cooking websites.  As her interest grew and grew she decided to take the non-traditional route after high school and enrolled in the California School of Culinary Arts and graduated with a degree in Patisserie in 2008.

On where it all began Brooke says, “One day I was thinking to myself, how can combine my love of cooking and love of video games, books, movies, sci fi and everything nerdy? April 6th, 2014: I hosted a Game of Thrones season four premiere party and all my friends raved about the food. I prepared a traditional feast of The North, consisting of a whole chicken, turnips, lemon cakes, meat pies, bread, you name it – all made from scratch. It then suddenly clicked. Why not make recipes inspired by all these nerdy things I hold so close to my heart and share them with the world?

From creating recipes & drinks inspired by certain films, games, and tv-shows to actually recreating dishes featured in them, Little Miss Nerd Chef has the skills to do it all!

We look forward to announcing what our first partnership content will be soon!

For more on Little Miss Nerd Chef you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and her website!

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