In the tumultuous times of the 1970, there lies a story in San Diego, one of a legendary news anchor by the name of Ron Burgundy. Ron was at the top of his game, loved and adored by all, but that all changed one day; As the times were changing, a new female reporter came onto the news scene. After a few hilarious and unfortunate events for Ron, she gets the lead anchor position.
An interesting story for sure; The first movie I have ever seen involving news reporting and the news industry for the entire film!
The lines in this movie are hysterical. Just about every sentence contains either obvious of hidden humor! You have to watch this movie several times to hear all the jokes!
The language fit in well with the theme (1970s) as well as body language. I can (and I am sure anyone who enjoyed the movie can also) quote just about any line in this movie – that’s how funny it is! =)
Like the dialogue, the acting was top notch. Will Ferrel’s performance as Ron Burgundy, as well as supporting actors like Christina Applegate and Steve Carell (see The Office review) make this movie unforgettable.
The plot was unique and very good. As I mentioned before, I do not think that I have ever seen or heard of a movie based solely on an Anchorman and his career in such a way that Anchorman was presented. This truly is an original film.
Excellent. Sound effects were great, and the music used in the movie fit the style and theme of the movie. It helped to make the film more realistic.
Final Verdict
Hands down one of the best movies I have ever seen. I own it, and watch it just about monthly with friends. This is another classic by Will Ferrel
“What do I enjoy in life? Well that’s simple really! I love scotch, poetry, and my dog, Baxter!” – Ron Burgundy
5/5 Reels
Platinum Squid Rating
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