Hello SquidFlicks! The infamous one-update months have come and should be going soon. Regular content is returning within the next few days, so be sure and come back! It’s been crazy here at HQ, with SquidFlicks 2.0 being developed, football practice, my new computer not working 100%, video editing (secret!), tons of AP work, and other projects are competing with time for me.
I am really excited to announce that SquidFlicks 2.0 will be ready for public release for the Third Second birthday of SquidFlicks! Mark it on your calendars! (It should go live sometime during October, so it may be an early present!)
Keep reading and we’ll keep reviewing!
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Umm if i’m correct, which i am, but this is squidflicks 2nd Birthday. Started in 2007; 2008 was one year old, this is 2 years old!
my bad. there was no celebration last year so…yea